gpsbabel - A tool to convert between various formats used by GPS devices.GeographicLib - Small library to perform conversions between coordinates, geoid height, geomagnetic field calculations and for solving geodesic problems.

gdalcpp - C++11 wrapper classes for GDAL/OGR.GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.garmintools - Communication tools for Garmin devices.
#Mapproxy mapnik postgis drivers

#Mapproxy mapnik postgis software
It also covers some software from adjacent fields, like remote sensing or geodesy.įedora GIS activists hang out in #fedora-gis channel. This presentation will also be about the future of MapProxy and the road to version 2.0.The GIS project is an initiative to package GIS related software, to make Fedora and EPEL attractive platforms for you GIS needs. Topics: - Cascading WMS: combine multiple heterogeneous WMS services to one, with coverages and unified FeatureInfo - Tiling: create Google Maps/OpenStreetMap compatible tile services from WMS services that do not support the web mercator projection - Tiling: reproject tiles from web mercator to a local projection - Security: give users access to single layers, restricted to user-dependent polygons - Render server: directly integrate MapServer or Mapnik into MapProxy - Tools: calculate scales, estimate the number of tiles, read capabilities, re-seed areas. All features will be explained with practical use cases. This presentation will show you the most important features that were added to MapProxy in the last years. It is used to combine multiple WMS services to one, make WMS servers available in tiled clients or to restict access to georaphic boundaries. MapProxy is used in countless projects - by federal or state agencies and institutions, by universities, students and hobbyists, by small, national and international companies - all around the world. Features like the security API, the ability to reproject tiles, support for coverages from Shapefiles or PostGIS and the various tools are just a few things that make MapProxy to stand out. MapProxy grew from that to a powerful and flexible proxy for maps. More than three years ago MapProxy started as a small tile cache with the ability to serve regular WMS clients.